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NOV 2024

Optima Leaf-K


Optima Leaf-K


Optima Leaf-K is a direct available potassium foliar fertiliser. Problems with potassium uptake are often related to the pH value of the soil. A high pH inhibits potassium uptake by the roots. And in drought conditions, potassium is not released into the soil, which prevents it from being absorbed. Foliar fertilisation using Optima Leaf-K offers a solution by supplying this important nutrient to the crop.

Optima Leaf-K contains a pH-neutral, very readily available form of potassium. Crops benefit from a supplement of potassium at cold soil temperatures, during drought conditions and at the end of the growing cycle when the crop is bulking tubers, bulbs, grains and fruits. Optima Leaf-K has been specially developed to supply (arable) crops with sufficient potassium through a foliar application in periods with a high potassium demand.


  • Contains a high concentration of direct available potassium.
  • Boosts the yield and size of the bulbs, tubers, grains and fruits.
  • Improves quality and storage life (brix content, firmness).
  • Increases the plant's reserves (better hardiness)
  • Does not contain any harmful nutrients such as chloride.
  • More effective than adding potassium fertilisers via the soil.
  • Better potassium uptake in dry conditions.
  • Improves the drought resistance of the crop.

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