29, 30 NOV
& 1 DEC 2026




Product group: Plant protection products and fertilizers

The strategy to control phytophthora is undergoing major changes. That is why we are happy to introduce Areli, the new fungicide for potatoes. Areli offers strong preventive protection, even for new growth. Thanks to its rapid rainfastness, it remains effective even in changeable weather conditions. In addition, Areli strengthens the plant's natural defences and effectively combats all known phytophthora strains. With Areli, you are assured of reliable protection for a healthy potato crop.

Date of market introduction in Belgium (if still in development: expected date of launch)
November 2024 (voor gebruik in seizoen 2025)

Briefly formulate what is new. If your innovation is selected for inclusion in the innovation route, your text will be used as the basis for the texts in the communication to the visitors, press, etc... (max. textarea: 1000 characters)
The fungicide Areli combines two actives to provide strong preventive protection against phytophthora. Besides the well-known cyazofamid (Ranman Top), Areli also contains valifenalate, an active ingredient that is now becoming available to potato growers again after a few years' absence. This therefore means an extra tool in the growers' toolbox in the fight against phytophthora.

Added value for the user (in commercial terms, user-friendliness ...)
The strategy to control phytophthora is subject to major changes. Due to the need to mix active ingredients, spraying schedules are becoming more complex. The co-formulation Areli contains two complementary substances in one product, allowing the grower to apply Areli at 1 l/ha solo in preventive situations. This eliminates the need for the grower to think about a suitable mixing partner. Only in curative situations should a curative partner be added. Areli offers strong preventive protection, also for new growth. Thanks to its fast rainfastness, it remains effective even in changeable weather periods. Moreover, Areli strengthens the plant's natural defences and effectively combats all known phytophthora strains. Areli comes in an excellent liquid formulation, making it easy to empty and rinse the canister. This adds to the grower's ease of use.

Added value for the further sustainability and professionalization of the potato sector.
Resistance management is a key-factor in keeping the available actives effective for as long as possible, thus providing long-term protection for potato crops. By offering cyazofamid in a co-formulation with valifenalate, we endorse FRAC's advice to use actives in combination. By re-launching valifenalate, there is an additional active ingredient in the schedule to maximise compliance with the guidelines.

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