29, 30 NOV
& 1 DEC 2026

Aurora Borealis "Usva" re-peeler


Aurora Borealis "Usva" re-peeler

Product group: Processing

Aurora Borealis ~Special edition USVA ~ Knife peeler for re-peeling steam peeled products.
The northern lights Aurora Borealis rises from the haze and cuts the sky, just as the knife rolls we designed to cut the surface of the steam peeled vegetable roots.

Aurora Borealis ~Usva~ is available with 6 or 10 knife peeling rollers.
Machines from North peeling machines are suitable for capacities in different sizes and enable You to increase the efficiency of Your production with modern control and monitoring tools.

– Suitable for various roots.
– Suitable for re-peeling steam-peeled potatoes.
– A special construction ensures optimal peeling results because the products will be optimally rotated.
– Most effective capacity in its size range.
– Can be connected to a line
– Made of stainless materials.
– Integrated weighing systems gives You an opportunity to follow Your production, even with remote follow-up!

Date of market introduction in Belgium (if still in development: expected date of launch)

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The Forsfood convex knife* revolutionizes peeling by allowing customers to efficiently peel concave products with minimal waste. This groundbreaking design ensures that even the most challenging shapes, such as baby potatoes and sweet potatoes, can be peeled effortlessly without the need for mechanical adjustments, regardless of product size or variety. The Aurora Borealis system is versatile, suitable for both fresh peeling and re-peeling within the steam peeling process, making it adaptable to various production needs. *Patent pending.

Added value for the user (in commercial terms, user-friendliness ...)
Forsfood's knife peeling application significantly enhances operational efficiency. By minimizing waste and optimizing the peeling process with our adjustable roller speed, customers can achieve higher output per square meter. The Aurora Borealis peeling machines stand out in the market with their exceptionally low power consumption per peeled unit, outperforming any other machine available. The result is consistently high product quality, with uniformly peeled produce that meets the highest standards.

Added value for the further sustainability and professionalization of the potato sector.
The Forsfood Aurora Borealis knife peeling application not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to sustainability efforts. By minimizing water usage during the peeling process and increasing yield through re-peeling in the steam peeling process, customers can achieve a more sustainable production environment. The integration of data-based control and real-time process monitoring provides customers with actionable insights to optimize their production processes. With Forsfood's innovative solutions, customers can unlock smarter, greener peeling practices, driving sustainability in their operations.

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